Hi, Iā€™m Dr. Sara Thompson.

I am skilled at identifying problems as well as devising solutions based on research and evidence. Professionally, I have worked in a myriad of well-respected institutions, focusing on addressing challenges related to international security issues to include peacekeeping, environmental crime, and corruption. In addition to my professional pursuits, I have volunteered for a variety of different advocacy efforts, from supporting whistleblowers to advocating for disability and access to healthcare rights. I have engaged in these efforts by drafting legislation and spearheading strategic engagement in support of legislative reform. Awareness raising, accountability, and oversight are important first steps to initiate reform efforts.

When I am not researching and writing, I enjoy hiking and exploring nature as well as supporting environmental conservation efforts. I also daydream about how to make public transit more convenient and accessible in the US. I have run over a dozen marathons on three continents and enjoy adventurous pursuits. My favorite thing to do is to go trekking and backpacking, especially in the mountains of Alaska.