Lamplighter Project

I am Board Chair of the Lamplighter Project which is a non-profit organization committed to supporting law enforcement whistleblowers.

The Lamplighter Project logo

Health Justice for Peace Corps Volunteers

I spearheaded advocacy efforts for the health and safety of Peace Corps Volunteers in service and upon returning from overseas on the Hill. I worked with many individuals to successfully advocate for legislative reform to include Congressional representatives, Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, and Peace Corps-affiliated groups. Through these efforts, I also identified the need for Peace Corps Volunteers to access whistleblower rights and protections.

Peace Corps logo

Disability Rights

I helped to develop a strategic plan in support of advocacy efforts related to mandating open captions for movies at all major movie theaters in the DC area.

congolmeration of signs of different disabilities

In addition to open captions, I have worked with disability groups to support legislation to codify mandates in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to include induction looping as well as ensuring schools are screening for hearing loss.

sign indicating that the feature is accessible via telecoil